Tuesday 28 May 2013

Can I borrow a cucumber?

Today I woke up after a bingey eating weekend consisting mainly of chocolate. So I Google "healthy easy recipes" some time after breakfast. I sift and sift through hundreds of recipes and come across something I seem to have most of the ingredients for. A healthy tuna and hummus wrap - no problems! Without checking my cupboard and fridge and with dire anticipation I head up to the local Woolworths and set myself on a mission. Shopping list:
- Tuna
- Hummus
- Semi dried tomatoes
- Fresh mint & parsley
Well, I think to myself, seems I didn't have most of the ingredients at home. Oh well. Now I tried to bake brownies the other day but I wasn't particularly proud of them and considered them as a ride off, so in redemption I decide to make choc chip cookies (I tried to stay away from chocolate okay?) Out of a box though, I'm not ready to be doing this all manually obviously after the brownie fiasco. So I grab a Betty Crocker box and check the back. Butter? Check. One egg? Check.
Great! Time to head home. Processing my groceries in the check out and feeling like a champ, I'm now officially hungry and looking forward to these wraps.
When I get home and re-read the recipe (which I had on my iPhone at the store) it calls for baby spinach and cucumber as well. I check the fridge and find baby spinach (complete luck) but no cucumber! Even though I recall having a cucumber bought only 2 days ago. Maybe someone had the cucumber munchies.
So I spread out my fresh food and start to make my wrap, it looked something like this

Then after adding the hummus, tuna, baby spinach, semi dried tomatoes and garnished with mint and parsley, it looked like this

 Now to fold the damn thing. I've never been an expert in wrapping wraps. I eat a lot of them and I feel that I should have acquired this skill by now but it's just not coming too me. I think its a born and bred thing. 
But this is how i went about it anyway. Step 1.
 Step 2.
 Step crap. The damn thing broke at the bottom,
 I tried to get a photo of it nicely but it just wouldn't stay wrapped!!!!! I'd like to say this was my wrap

But this was my wrap.

 In the end they were delicious so I didn't mind so much that I couldn't get a good photo of it. Another photographer once told me that sometimes if you can't get the photo, or you miss a shot, to just embrace and enjoy the moment for what it is. So that's exactly what I did.
However I did feel that it lacked that certain crunch factor without the cucumber. I tidied up, put all the groceries away and prepared for my cookie bake off by looking in the fridge to get some eggs. Guess what I couldn't find?

Guess what I did find?
bon apetite!

What I learnt:
- Look in the fridge before you leave home!
- Look again

- Perhaps softer or larger wraps should be acquired to prevent wrap breakage

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